
Support Wild Spirit


Wild Spirit Education is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. As such we depend upon donations from the general public to help us continue to serve the WNY region with our environmental education programs, citizen science and research.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to support our mission of education please click here.


Click here to join the Wild Spirit Family and enjoy the feeling of knowing you are helping nature.

Thanks letter
Thank you note from school visit

Sponsor one of our educational animals to help offset the cost of care and food for these important educational ambassadors. Your sponsorship gets you a certificate of sponsorship, a photo of your animal and an animal info sheet.

Sponsor a classroom program! With school budgets getting cut on a regular basis, some schools can’t afford to have Wild Spirit come into their classroom to enlighten their students to the wonders of the natural world. Help us create more young nature lovers by sponsoring a school program. You get to pick the school of your choice or we will choose a school that needs the help. 

To sponsor an animal or school, click here

Volunteer Opportunities

Wild Spirit depends on our volunteers for a variety of help. From performing programs to Center maintenance to office work and research, there are plenty of opportunities. To sign up as a volunteer fill out the form here.

Wild Spirit Education, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to enlightening others to the wonders of the natural world through conservation, preservation and environmental education.