

Birds of Prey

Our naturalist will bring the world of raptors into your classroom. This program brings live birds into your classroom. Local species are represented by non-releasable live birds of prey. We will bring in 2-3 birds and talk about the adaptations that allow these majestic birds to survive in the wild. We discuss how our birds came to us and how their injuries prevent them from being released back to the wild.

Location: Indoor or Outdoor
Ages: all
Concepts Covered:
* Avian adaptations
* Bird identification
* Anatomy
* Predator/prey relationships
* Migration
* Ornithology
* May be done in an Auditorium Setting

Owl Ecology

Our naturalist will bring the world of owls into your classroom. This program brings live owls into your classroom. Local species are represented by non-releasable live birds of prey.We will bring in 2-3 owls and talk about the adaptations that allow these unique birds to survive in the wild at night. We discuss how our birds came to us and how their injuries prevent them from being released back to the wild.

Location: Indoor or Outdoor
Ages: all
Concepts Covered:
* Avian adaptations
* Owl identification
* Anatomy
* Predator/prey relationships
* May be done in an auditorium setting


Our naturalist will bring the world of reptiles into your classroom. This program brings live reptiles into your classroom. Species from around the world are represented including a turtle, tortoise and snake. We will discuss cold blooded animals vs. warm blooded animals as well as what makes reptiles so unique

Location: Indoor or Outdoor
Ages: all
Concepts Covered:
* Cold blooded animals
* Scales
* Hibernation


Things That Bug You 

Do you have a fear of creepy crawlies? This program brings live insects and other critters into your classroom to hopefully expel that fear. Species of insects from around the world will visit with you. We will talk about their adaptability to survive and how many are harmless to people. 

Location: Indoor or Outdoor

Ages: all

Concepts Covered:

* Insect adaptations

* Insect identificationHissing Cockroaches

* Anatomy

* Difference between bugs and beetles

Basic Survival Skills

We will introduce the students to the basics of wilderness survival including priorities. This interactive program allows the students to use their thinking skills to figure out the best ways to survive in a wilderness survival situation. If we have the proper location we can also teach them how to build survival shelters. Fire building and water purification can be included upon request for an additional fee. 

Location: Outdoor, At your school or local park – Priorities can be done indoors
Ages: 3rd grade—adult
Concepts Covered:
* Survival priorities
* Working in a group/team building
* Plant Identification

Fun With Nature

Your students will learn about nature by playing games. The games will teach about predator/prey relationships as well as other aspects of the natural world. This program works best with group sizes between 10-30participants.

Location: Indoor or Outdoor
Ages: 3rd —6th grade
Concepts Covered:
* Food webs
* Carrying capacity
* Animal adaptations
* Predator/prey relationships
* Competition

Nature Exploration Hike

Even if your site has only a small patch of grass, there is much to discover. Let our Naturalist take your group on a hike to discover the natural world. We will explore the plants, animals and insects that we find along the way. 

Location: Outdoor, at your school or local park
Ages: all

Indoor Nature Exploration Hike

If the weather is bad or your site doesn’t allow you to go outdoors, you can still enjoy an educational nature hike in your classroom. We will allow you to use your imagination as we explore the many natural items that our naturalist will present to the group. A Nature show-and-tell.

Location: Indoor
Ages: all

PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint presentations on a variety of topics are also available for adult groups. Topics include…Algonquin ExpeditionAttracting Birds to Your BackyardCreating a Backyard Habitat for WildlifeDying to Help the Environment (Alternative/Green burial practices)The EvergladesFascinating Facts About NatureLiving the Green Life (Environmentally friendly lifestyle)Natural Areas in WNYNature Up CloseNatures OdditiesRecyclingShade GardeningThe Winds of Change (Alternative energy)TrackingTransformation Tuesday (upcycling old items)Winter WildlifeYour Diet and the EnvironmentCloud ForestsInvasive Species

If you are looking for a specific environmental topic, please feel free to ask. We are creating new programs all the time.